Fan Friggentastic We re Back Here Again

Updated: with toll and full supply lists below!

Psssst: Check out our second handmade hideaway {the big kid version} here!

Hullo wonderful people!

Remember this post? After all our house shenanigans in Dramaville, nosotros decided that since we're staying in our home we demand to make it worth our while…and nosotros wanted to build a niggling something special for the offspring. If there was 1 thing I wanted, growing upwards, it was a tree house. Or fort. Or secret hideout. Don't get me wrong. I was kind of spoiled rotten. Only I was constantly trying to put 1 together with my brother and sis in the back chiliad…we spent hours designing forts and various whatnots. Patently, according to them, I was kind of bossy. I notwithstanding think they're making that up, even if they did take hold of me slapping my fiddling brother on video camera for not getting the dance routine right. That may or may not be a running joke in our family. Busted. He probably had it coming for blowing my perfectly synchronized interpretive dance. GAH.

And when nosotros weren't interim like full psychopaths, crossing the swing ready in i fail swoop whilst non touching the ground for fear of the dreaded hot lava/quicksand combo, we were obsessed with our latest hideout, fort, or secret society. And or spying on our neighbors. Information technology was all about the latest and greatest getaway. Fast forward to 2012: I live vicariously through my children. Secretly, this hideaway was for me. On the days when I desire to climb the roof and stone back and forth in the fetal position, whilst simultaneously stuffing my face with equally much chocolate as I can possibly find…vowing myself to a life of silence in a nunery… I'll merely get here, instead.

So afterwards coming upwards with a programme…Nosotros kind of stepped upwardly to the plate and went for it.


This is just the first of our back yard revamps this summertime…{the back porch is next!} Nosotros're hoping that anything from a pirate ship to a secret ninja hideaway, the kids will permit their imaginations run wild.

I think we all already have. If you'll forgive us for being pretty tired…I call back we'll allow the photos do the talking. ;}

This was kind of a large undertaking…we've never built anything like it before, so it was very much affect and proceed our parts. We had some astonishing help… Simply more on that coming afterward our how-to posts. We thought nosotros'd share a piddling with yous if you lot guys are interested in learning from our massive mistakes making ane of your ain…so stay tuned!

The hideaway is nearly definitely ninja/pirate/star wars approved. They are so excited. Kind of makes our aching joints/backs/ankles (not sure why my ankle hurts, just it does) worth it!

Let the s'mores and  campout fun begin! It'south going to be a seriously fun summer.


Updated: To build your own, be certain to bank check out our how to build information technology series: The Deck, The Walls, Railing + Shutters, and the roof. {The rest is beingness added equally we go.} And, near chiefly, the much requested master supply list + pricing can exist institute below.

A note on pricing: as you can run into, this was no small project. So neither was the pricetag. Nosotros believe in saving up greenbacks and spending responsibly on our projects + we had planned on building this for a really long time. On another note, if you research, you'll find that anything remotely this size will range anywhere from ane,000 – five,000. Comparable prices vary depending on size, labor, location, + all the bells and whistles. So accept that into consideration when viewing this list…nosotros wanted to build our vision, while doing it as cheaply as possible!

So at that place you lot have information technology. Let united states know if yous have whatsoever specific questions…we'll exercise our best to respond those in the round up post! Take an inspired 24-hour interval, everyone!


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